
When we talk about fashion, we visualize an image of something that keeps changing and something that we need to keep up in order to be validated. Just by that bit of visualization, fashion becomes something that is not sustainable. Sustainability in fashion is a term that has been picked up as a trend keeping in mind the adverse impacts that changing fashion has on the environment, on health and on life in its being. Be it the production of fabric being used for textiles, be it the people working on keeping up with the demand, or be it the disposal of fabric no longer needed, non-stability in fashion industry impacts every level.
Sustainable Fashion as a Terminology
Sustainable fashion as a term was picked up by fashion industry during later 80s and early 90s; therefore it is heavily being looked up to by millennials and generation z. This group of the crowd often looks up to individuals making a social impact and is trying to be one. Therefore also raises the need to introduce influencers to the terminologies like “green fashion” in order to highlight the cause.
What is the Role of a Fashion Influencer?
Influencers play a crucial role in the cause they align themselves to. They bring a brand and a targeted audience with themselves. Another key advantage that influencer brings to the cause is that they often work in collaboration. This means they can advocate for platforms where fashion sustainability needs visibility. So, as an example, if an influencer team is already working for the cause of waste management, they can help advance the idea of usage for organic cotton to a precise audience. Through collaborations, they can not only target the masses but also introduce other influencers to the cause.
Influencers are also known to spread knowledge by action. A British celebrity icon, Emma Watson, who is also an influencer herself, is a strong advocate of ethical fashion. She has already worked on some high-profile collaborations with big brands to create red-carpet dresses made out of reusable and eco-friendly material. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and portals like Good On You, also are mediums to spread messages to opt for fashion that does not harm the environment.
Positive Impact on your Surroundings by Fashion
Taking a stance for positive impact on your surroundings by fashion can be achieved at an individual level. As individuals, it can be achieved by small steps, like modifying shopping trends, reusing clothes, controlling our fabric shopping craves, donating clothes and renting instead of buying. Reusing can also be achieved by repurposing a fabric item. By just learning basic stitching techniques, we can reuse, create a tote, or add a pocket from our torn or used clothing item.
With right efforts, Sustainable Fashion can be given the spotlight by the influencers. And it can definitely be driven if we all take shared responsibility for making ethical buying choices and educate ourselves as well as other people around us on the sustainability issues.
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